3 things plus-size women should not wear

3 min readJan 26, 2021


We all experience body issues, regardless of our body size. While a lot of plus-sized ladies would like to trim down their weight, I also know a lot of slim ladies who wanted to gain some in hopes of defining their curves.

While either losing or gaining takes serious commitment and hard work, there are ways to execute our preferred fashion while fully embracing our body. Here, I listed down three most important things to consider for plus-sized babes like myself :)

Do not opt for baggy clothes or those that are too small in size

This applies to every size and shape: Always buy clothes in your size. I’ve seen a lot of women who opt for baggy clothes when they want to hide their rolls, or try to fit themselves in sizes that are too small for them, thinking that it will give their body the right definition. The thing is, none of those illusions will be achieved, and wearing inappropriate sizes will make us look out of proportion. Hiding your body in loose-fitting clothes or cocooning yourself in something that is two-size smaller than your actual size can only make you appear larger. Most importantly, wearing something that isn’t your size will make you feel uncomfortable, and your aura of discomfort is all people would notice, not how fancy your dress is. How people perceive you highly depends on how graceful you carry yourself. When you have to justify your uncomfortable outfit just because you think it looks cute on you, then you’re missing the whole point of self-love.

Invest in high-quality clothes

Buying anything cheap does not necessarily mean you have found yourself a good deal. Quality is something you should not compromise; it is better to spend money on wardrobe items that you can use for a long duration than choosing something cheap that would get worn out in just several uses. Synthetics are often not stretchy enough for plus-sized bodies, and could rip easily when we move around. People with large body frames also tend to sweat more, and sweats can be too visible on low-quality fabrics, not to mention the odor can be quite difficult to remove.

Honestly, this applies to all types of clothes, be it for plus or smaller sizes. :) Competent fiber materials are usually very comfortable to wear. In order to successfully project confidence, you have to feel secure in presenting yourself.

Wearing black is not always flattering

While I personally love the color black, a lot of women embrace this concept because of the notion that dark colors make them look slimmer. The thing is, you don’t always have to dress up in all-black, or fill your wardrobe with black items to wear almost everyday. You can definitely apply color blocking, where you can combine black with other bright, solid colors. Not only will it break the monotonous mood that is associated with this, it will also make you brim with freshness.

Proper styling and wardrobe maintenance require serious practice, but with the help of someone who has an in-depth knowledge in all these [and of course, your willingness to change your style] it is actually easy to learn!

What are some of the fashion mistakes you made without knowing? Share your thoughts and I would love to be able to help.




